Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Don't be afraid, to be you!

Tuesday 14th May 2013

Plans fot the shoot...

The issue I am going to be looking at today is the issue of 'fear'.  For this shoot I am going to interrupt it in to something I could personally relate to or understand.  I want to get the message "Don't be afraid to be yourself' across.  My plans for the shoot are to literally shoot myself wearing no makeup holding up a sign that says "Don't be afraid", and then conduct another shoot where I hold a sign that says "to be you"with my looking how I normally would.

I also want to do a small shoot in-between the two where I photograph myself with half a face of makeup on and half a face without.

I will be using the ring flash for this shoot.

What I am hoping to achieve...

From today's shoot I am hoping to be able to show the contrast in myself wearing and not wearing makeup, but give a positive message about the issue that people may have in society with the pressure to wear things like makeup all the time.

I would really like to end up with a final piece that shows me wearing and then not wearing makeup with the two signs presented together.

What I actually achieved...

I am happy with how the shoot went today.  I ended up with these final pieces from the shoot.

This first one is the one I envisioned ending up with.  I am happy with it and think the contrast is clear and the message highly dominate in the photo.  I love the positioning of the photos and the pose of the subject.  I like the way the message behind the issues has been brought across in a light-hearted manner - this has added a contrast to the rest of my work as I have represented issues so far in quite a heavy manner.

This second photo I really like!  It was just a computer experiment that I was messing around with at first but I actually really like the effect and feel that this photo has about it.

What I am going to do next...

From today's shoot I am happy with my work and the way that I presented it in a different way (in a more light-hearted manner).  However I still feel that I prefer adding more of an edge in my work and making it 'darker' and therefore I am going to continue exploring this style and stray more from the type of work I did today.

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