Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Friday 17 May 2013


Tuesday 30th April 2013

Plans for the shoot...

In today's shoot I am going to be looking at the increasing issue of gun crime and how such weapons are glamorised.   This shoot is going to be done in two parts.  The first part of the shoot I will be using a male subject and photographing him holding the gun in a threatening way.  I want the gun to the focal point in the shot.  In the second part of the shoot I am then going to shoot with a female subject who is going to act as the glamorisation of the weapon.

What I am hoping to achieve...

I am hoping to be able to show the glamorisation of weapons in today's society in the shoot today.  I really want to get a threatening shot where the focus is on the weapon and then a shot where everything looks glamorised.  With the threatening shot I want the subject to be out of focus in the shot so you cannot see them clearly in the photo.

What I actually achieved...

Here are some of the photos from today's shoot.

I really like the strength in this shoot.  The gun is the focal point in the shot but due to the harmonious colours in the shot where the gun is positioned, and though the subject is out of focus they are still making eye contact with the camera and this distracts from the fact that he isn't dominate in the photo.  I like the way the way the shape is so clearly seen too due to the sterile background of the shot.

This is another similar shot that I really like.  I think this shot is possibly stronger as it looks like the subject has just turned round to take a shot or fire the gun whereas the other photo looks more static.  I think the gun is more noticeable in this photo too and there is even more focus on it as the subject seems further away and even less in focus.

This is one of the photos from the glamorised side of the shot.  I don't like these shots as much as the threatening side of shot photos turned out.

I don't think the photos have the same strength and I don't think neither the subject or the weapon takes full dominance in the shot.  The photo doesn't have the right feel about it that I wanted too - I think that this could partly be down to the expression of the model.  I like the positioning of the shot though and the way there is no background seen in the photo.

What I am going to do next...

I only liked half of this shoot that I did today so I would perhaps like to revisit the side of the shoot that I wasn't as happy with to see if I can get a better end result.  I really like the threatening part of the shoot I did though and I liked the feel that the photos gave off.  I would like to conduct another shoot where I get the same feel from the photos, possibly looking at a different issue or adapting this one further.

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