Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Friday 3 May 2013

Little bit of graphics (technology issue)

Friday 3rd May 2013

Plans for the shoot...

Today's shoot is going to be like a big experiment for me really!  As mentioned from my last shoot I was happy with the style my photography had slipped into and wanted to explore this more, as well as look at other Photoshop skills that I could use in my work.  Therefore, today's shoot is going to be based around this.

I have chosen the issue of 'technology', and have decided on trying to do something graphics inspired with my work today.  Though this may seem loosely related to the exam topic I think technology is an issue in society and this is how I am choosing to represent it.  I am planning too shoot on a black background as I want a dark base for the background of this piece.  I am also going to be using a range of different brushes that I have downloaded for Photoshop including shattered glass and splatter effect brushes.

What I am hoping to achieve...

By the end of this shoot I am hoping to end up with only one piece of work that demonstrates the issue and effects that I want it too.  Though this shoot is being planned, some elements of the Photoshopping side to things are going to be a case of 'trail and error' and simply seeing what works and what doesn't.  Therefore I am hoping that my skills will develop during the making of this piece.

What I actually achieved...

This is the final piece that I achieved today.  I am fairly happy with my work and think that it looks like the sort of thing I was envisioning in my head.  I think I have matched the colours well and made it look like the subject I being 'destroyed' or 'melting away' in parts.  I especially like the effect that I have used on the arms where it looks like there is holes in then.  However I think in parts some of the splattered effects could be blended a bit better.

I think this shot looks very contemporary and and it defiantly gives me some variation in my work as it is rather unique compared to some of the other pieces of work that I have done.

What I am going to do next...

This shoot has inspired to continue to develop my Photoshop skills in future shoots.  I really like the effects that I am finding and starting to use and the way my style of photography has developed.  I would like to incorporate both my 'old style' and 'new style' in future shoots as I think that this is something that will really help to develop my work so far and as a photographer overall.

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