Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Home Sweet Home...

Tuesday 5th March 2013

Plans for the shoot...

For today's shoot I am planning on looking at the issue of homelessness.  This is going to be a location shoot as opposed to a studio shoot (for obvious reasons).  I am planning on conducting this shoot in an old garage car park area that is barely used now in an area close to where I live.

This shoot is going to be simple - nothing too complicated or over the top.  I am going to have my model sitting with a old blanket and sign that says 'HOME SWEET HOME...' - I want it to be sarcastic yet still have the deep emotion in it that people would experience being homeless.  I am then just going to use an props from things that I find around the area I am doing the shoot in.

What I am hoping to achieve...

I am hoping to get set of photos today that portrays the harsh reality of being homeless.  Though my shoot is going to be reconstructed I want it to still be convincing.

What I actually achieved...

I am happy with the outcome of todays shoot - I got some really good shots I think.  One problem I did realise though till I got back to the class room to edit the photos is that it was such a bring and sunny day, some of the photos have the wrong feel about them colour wise as they look to 'happy', even though my subject is looking sad.  Therefore in Photoshop I darkened them out a bit - here are a couple of my best shots.

Here is one of the shots that I really liked.  I like the pose and the way the subject isn't making eye contact with the camera and looks lost in thought. I have changed the colour on this photo by de-staturing it slightly and then changing the colour levels slight and brought them more toward the red/ magenta side of the scale.

This is one of the photos that was really bright to begin with that I made darker.  I like this photo a lot and think it looks pretty realistic.  To get the dark effect I have to layer over paint using the gradient tool whilst the opacity was right down till I got the desired effect.  I also changed the saturation and the colours slightly too.

What I am going to do next...

This shoot has made me want to experiment more with location shoots as opposed to just working in the studio.  I think there are many other issues that I could explore outside and I am going to start looking for some good locations to conduct shoots.

I have also been inspired to go out and find real issues from this shoot - I think if I walked round the streets in London I would find some real life issues going on right in front of my eyes - this would hold the emotion that I could never bring out using a model and get a different feel to the photo.  I might see if I can take a trip into London and see what I can find.

Again, thank you to Paul for helping me with all my work and being an amazing model! xxx

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