Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Tuesday 19th March 2013

Plans for the shoot...

For today's shoot I am going to be looking at possibly more than one issue.  The reason for this is oringially my idea was going to be mental health etc. but I have since thought my idea through and thought it could also link in with being terminally ill and in hospital.

The shoot is quite dark and invloves the model I will be using as my patient to hold a gun as if he were about to commit suicide.  I am also going to have a wheelchair for the shoot to just to help me get some variation in shots.  I will be using the white background for the shoot as it will repersent hospital walls etc.

What I am hoping to achieve...

From this shoot I am hoping to be able to really bring out the dark emotion that I want to be portrayed in getting this issue accross.  I also want to be able to do some things on Photoshop to enhance the photos and make them look even creepier.

What I actually achieved...

I really loved this shoot - it has been my favourite of this topic so far.  Here are some of the photos:

These two pictures were using the wheelchair. I really like the angle at which they were taken and the way the model looks almost lifeless.  I think the mask and the gun were nice elements to add to the photo shoot and I am glad that  encorporated them.  I think the white background worked really well too as it repersented the walls of a hospital, though as you can see in these photos shadows became a problem.

I love this photo! - my model reminds me of some kind of Gollum like creature.  I really like how stange and uniquw this shot is.  I like how you can only see part of the subjects face but you can see the 'dead' and creppy expression and the way you can really see the gun here too.  I would have liked to explore more with more unquie poses like this.

These next three shots are all ones that I enhanced on Photoshop.  I like to focus on the eyes as this made the shot, for me, even creppier, so I chnaged the colour of them to blakc or white and also made them look blood shot in one too.  On the one with the wheelchair I also edited it so that the colour of the skin changed to make him look more dead.  I really liked experiementing with some of the effects that I did here and I would like to try this some more.

What I am going to do next...

I really enjoyed this shoot and had fun with it.  I would like to do somehting like this again where I use props etc. to make the shot really come to life.  I also liked using the effects that Photoshop offer as it means that I can make the shot look veen darker.  I really would like to do another 'dark' shoot.

Thank you to my model Paul - again! x

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