Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Don't bite off more than you can chew!

Friday 14th Decemeber 2012

Plans for shoot...

For today's shoot I am planning on taking the inspiration from something a friend said to me about the amount of work/ college work I do and trying to stay on top of it all! - they said, "don't bite off more than you can chew".

This instigated the idea for the shoot in which I am bite off my arm. 
To do this shoot I am going to be using some makeup, but also looking at doing some Photoshop work on the photo as I haven't done much of this yet.

What I hope to achieve...

From this shoot I hope to be able to display the saying that I am basing my shoot around in a style that reflects my work.

What I actually achieved...

Today's shoot went well I think, though I experience a lot of development during the actual shoot itself today in order to get the best possible photo I could.

The first problem I encountered that I needed to change was the actual composition of the shoot and where I was doing the makeup on my arm - orignally it was going to be done on my lower arm, but you could see it this way.  So instesd I move the makeup up to my upper arm and this work much better.  However, I then I had the problem of fitting my entire arm in the shot without making it look weird or making it look out of place and not being about to see the makeup and what was going on in the shot. 

After experimenting with various different positionings and lightening, I decided I liked best shots taken from above.  I also really like the photos where the shot was zoomed right in - you could see the detail better and it provided me with more space to work on the cuts and bites on Photoshop.  Here is the finished piece...

Here is the photo.  To get the bruises and to help me with some of the bloody effects I used some of teh stuff available to Photoshop such as the burn tool and the paint brushes set to a low opacity for the bruises, and then I used the blur tool slightly.  For the blood, I just downloaded the blood brushes for Photoshop.

What I am going to do next....

This shoot has made me want to look at doing some more Photoshop work so I can become even more confident with the programme, however, I defaintely prefer to just do the makeup myself prior to a shoot - it is much more fun and I feel like I have got more accomplished.  I feel here that I have almost cheated with my work.

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