Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Friday 7 December 2012

Welcome to my Wonderland

Friday 30th Novemeber 2012

Plans for the shoot...

So, today's shoot I was inspired by the one and only Wonderland (yes, Alice).

It's a little different to what I normally go for in my work, but I love Alice in Wonderland and seems like a cool idea.  I am planning on this time, rather than focusing on makeup, I will wear a rabbit mask and cover it in blood, and then wear a bloody t-shirt too.  I am also wanting to hold a sign that syas "WELCOME TO WONDERLAND BITCH" as I want it to be dark and dangerous.

What I hope to achieve...

Out of today's shoot I really want to get a set of photos that show the dark side to Wonderland - like the dream has become a creepy nightmare.  I want it to portray Wonderland as being a unsfae place filled with bad things rather than the typical chaotic madness that is seen in a light-hearted way - I think the rabbit is the perfect character to do this with as you think of the little white rabbit being all cute and innocent.

What I actually achieved...

Okay, so today's shoot didn't exactly turn out how I would have hoped - at the time I thought it was working out really well, but when looking at the photos after the shoot I have realised that contextually it doesn't really make much sense - it sort of just looks like I have thrown on a bloodly t-shirt and mask and stood with a sign and cabbage...

I definately HATED that I didn't do makeup for this shoot and instead wore a mask; it would have been better if I had have I think.

Well, here are some photos anyway...

Here is one of the photos that I though was a little bit better than most.  I think here you can just about get the jist of where my insipration came from and some people will be able to see what I was trying to do.
I hate the colours here though, as with most of them.  I thought the red would look best as a background as when originally I had a dark navy blue you couldn't see my legs and this made the photo look all weird - however, I don't think with the red/orange mask it looks right.  The colours are all to similar and this doesn't do much for the over all effect.

I feel this photo is the same too - though I do prefer the pose here.

This is one of the photos that I think really would confuse someone and it makes me question what I was actually thinking when planning this shoot.  I think I planned it perfectly and could see clearly in my head what I was trying to achieve, but I just didn't execute it correctly.

All I can say about this photo, as with most of my other shots, is that I am standing in a bloody t-shirt holding a bloody cabbage whilst wearing a rabbit mask (that now looking at it, doesn't even really resemble a rabbit)!

Out of all of the shots I got, this is one of my more favoured ones as it I feel it is some people could make sense of kind of see where I was trying to go with this shoot.

I like the pose and lighting here, but I wish I had have gotten the entire sign in the shot.

What I am going to do next...

So this shoot really didn't go to plan at all! - but it has got me thinking as to why and what I could do better.  To be honest I am rather annoyed with myself!  But yeah, anyways, I think I am going to develop this shoot y using a different character and making it super dark and evil.  I was thinking about using the Cheshire Cat character, but perhaps not even making it typically 'Wonderland' swayed and instead just focus on the dark side to an idea.

I have definitely have discovered from this shoot that I don't like shooting something that I haven't created myself e.g. wearing as mask instead of creating the entire look through makeup etc.

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