Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Friday 7 December 2012

The Anti-Christ is Born...

Tuesday 4th December 2012

Plans for the shoot...

I am really looking forward to this shoot as I actually have a willing model for a change!  The idea behind this literally comes from something I just found myself thinking about randomly, but, when analysing the thought and planning the shoot it resembles the bible in some ways - this wasn't done intentionally, but I am happy with the link it possesses.

So, the shoot idea is to have my model pose looking all gored up and zombie like with a crown of thorns on his head.  I want there to be loads of blood and horror elements in this shoot.

What I hope to achieve...

From this shoot I really want to get a set of photos that have the gore elements that I love working with.  I want there to be controversy too.

What I actually achieved...

Today's shoot was so fun and it was great actually getting to work with a someone else to model who took it seriously.  I am so happy with how the photos have turned out and I think they are really good.  I also like the idea behind the shoot and, as said before, loved working with a model as opposed to myself.  I felt I could focus much more as I wasn't worrying what I was looking like in the shot etc.  I also like how the character created was one in which I could portray a message in a different way.

Here are some of my favourite photos from that shoot...

This is my favourite photo from the shoot today - it illustrates perfectly what I wanted it too.

I love the pose and the intensity that this photo has the strong emotions that it brings across.  It looks threatening and I like the way the makeup/ character designed has been executed.  I think the white background has really added to the over all effect of the photo too e.g. white connotes innocents and purity and this photo is anything but that bringing in elements of contrast.  It also makes the main focus on the subject and I like this in my work.

This another photo that I really liked.  I love the intensity it has and the creepiness that it has too.  I like the way this shot you can really see the eyes as I think they eyes hold most emotion.

This is also a photo I cropped out slightly as there was originally more of the arms in the shot but I think that by cropping it down slightly it has brought even more focus to the subject and makes it look a lot tidier.

These are some more photos that I particularly like using the 'twigs' (or whatever they are).  I really like this first one - it reminds me of Joey Jordison (not that is particularly relevant to the shoot, but still).  I like the side profile shot as it different to the rest and it holds different emotions - this one is less angry and threatening and more soft as if the character has been beaten and that's that.  I think this photo is a nice contrast to the rest.

This other photo is very different too as you don't see the models face.  I like how here you can see the object causing the 'death' and hurt in the shot.  Again, I feel this photo gives a different message and shows the character in a different light.

I like the light and dark contrast in this photo.  I think by doing this you are seeing two sides to the 'story'.

I really love how the light has highlighted my models bone structure in this shot too and how the eyes look so different.

The pose in this photo is really different but I think it works for the character and what I wanted for the shoot.  I like how even though this photo is busier as there is more going on with the pose the emotion and focus on the eyes is not lost.  I like the way it seems as if the person looking at the photo is being reached out to here.

The final photo I have chosen is this one - eyes!

This photo is very strong and I think it really shows the anger and the threat.  I like how you cannot see everything going on in this shot and focus and attention the eyes have.

What I am going to do next...

I really loved this shoot and how it turned out.  Though it happened by accident, this shoot as inspired my to look at doing more shoots to do with religion or belief.  These are things that fascinate me and something I think I could really go all out with.  It also is something that could be very controversial and something that I could incorporate a lot of horror and gore elements.

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