Aspired horror/gore and morbid art photographer. Self-taught aspired MUA/ SFX MUA.

Monday 17 December 2012

When in the studio... a guide for dummies!

Okay, so I basically abuse the use of the studio and am in it 24/7.  However, despite how much I am in there, I only just learnt the other all the technical stuff that needs to be done prior to a shoot, and thought it might be nice to share this on here for everyone to see. :) (Sorry if there are technical terms lacking! I will edit this when I totally figure it all out!)

Okay, step one - the camera!
Make sure your camera has batteries first (nothing more annoying than it not having them)! And you also need to format the camera.  Now, when I spent god knows how long trying to figure this out, it really is like the easiest bit about setting the camera up!  On the back of the camera you will find two buttons that are different from all the rest; this is because next to these two buttons there is the work FORMAT written in big red capital letters.  All you need to do is hold these down together at the same time and the screen on the camera will flash and the display will change.  Release the buttons and then press them again and you will have a formated camera, simple!
Then you need to set the camera up accordingly, but first...

Your set needs to be sorted.  Pick you backdrop or whatever you are using in the background and then set up you flash lights - these need be directly on your subject.

Step two - flash and camera settings!
For this step you need to use the light reader and the flash clicker thingy that goes on top of the camera.  Once the flash lights are turned on, stand where your subject will be standing for the shoot holding the light reader in on hand with the front of it (the side with all the buttons on it) facing the camera, and hold the clicker thing in the other hand.  Now, you need to HOLD DOWN the top button on the side of the light reader, press the button on the clicker thingy (the flash should go off) and the RELEASE the button on the light reader.  Do this a couple times for accuracy and then read the number you get on the screen.  This number now needs to correspond with the 'F' setting on the camera (this is the number located on the far left of the camera screen) - to change this simpley move the dial on the front of the camera.

Okay, if you're still following this, you now need to change the iso number and make sure it is set to 200.  To change this, all you need to do is go on to the camera meun and it is pretty self explanatory.

Now, you need to make sure the shutter speed is all good too - it should be set to 100 for a normal shot.  To change this all you need to do is move the dial at the back of the camera on the right hand side (just like how you did for the 'F' setting previously).

If you require self timer for your shoot, you can do this via the dial on the left hand side of the camera turn it right to the end of the wheel till you reach the picture of the alarm clock.  If you need to change the time set to this, you can do this in the camera settings on the menu (again, this is pretty self explanatory).

Hmmm, I think that is everything... I think!
Good luck with your shoots and have fun in the studio!

(Sorry for any mistakes, and I will try to edit technical terms in asap!)

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